How to Do A Modern Take on the Classic French Twist

By: Kenra Professional
December 2023

Ready for the holidays or an important event but not sure what to do with your hair? Stephanie Brinkerhoff, the creative mind behind @hairandmakeupbysteph, is thrilled to guide us through the creation of a stunning tousled high twist – a contemporary spin on the timeless French Twist. This versatile style can be adapted for various occasions, adding a touch of elegance to any look. Let's dive into the step-by-step process while following along with the video below on how to achieve this chic and modern hairstyle.
Step 1: Building Volume with Soft Curls
To lay the foundation for our tousled high twist, start by creating soft curls to add volume to the hair. Focus on loose curls at the ends, using a 1.25-inch iron to maintain consistency. Employ backcombing at the roots, followed by a mist of Kenra Volume Spray 25 for hold and Kenra Platinum Hot Spray 20 for the ends, loosely combing through to ensure proper saturation before curling. Repeat this process, working your way up the head, ensuring uniform curls in the same direction.

Step 2: Shaping the Top Section
As you reach the top section, pay attention to the shape you're creating. Backcomb the crown, maintaining a rounded form. Consistency in curl direction ensures a soft, uniform wave that contributes to the cohesive look when the hair is twisted.

Step 3: Brushing and Pinning
Use a boar bristle brush to gently brush out the curls, creating a fluffy texture. Pin the crown section, leaving the sides loose for now. Add Kenra Volumizing Spray Clay 15 at the roots for additional bulk, ensuring a dry feel. Softly twist and pin the crown, maintaining a deconstructed appearance.

Step 4: Working with the Sides
Separate the sides from the ears up and blend with the crown using Volumizing Spray Clay 15. Deconstruct the sides slightly, ensuring a seamless blend with the crown. Repeat the process on both sides, paying attention to the overall shape.

Step 5: Creating the Tousled High Twist
Apply more Volumizing Spray Clay 15 to the back for a fluffy feel. Gather the hair loosely, leaving out a few baby pieces. Twist the hair, ensuring smooth sides. Secure the twist tightly in the center and leave some ends out for an undone feel. Bobby pin the twist securely, adding a few extra pins for reinforcement.
Then, wrap the tail end of the twist loosely and leave some ends out for a relaxed finish. Secure with bobby pins, ensuring the twist sits at the center. Detail any loose pieces around the neck and finish with Kenra Volume Spray 25 for a polished look.

And there you have it! Experiment with this versatile hairstyle and feel free to share your results by tagging us @kenraprofessional on Instagram. Stay tuned for more styling tips, and don't forget to check out Stephanie’s other videos for additional inspiration.