Hear How Cold Cap Therapy Can Help Save Your Hair Through Cancer

By: Kenra Professional

February 2023

For over a decade, The Rapunzel Project has spread the awareness of a technology called Cold Cap Therapy, which is a means of dramatically cooling the scalp during treatment to prevent hair loss from chemotherapy. Now more than ever, this method is available in various formats in hospitals and oncology centers across the nation, and manual cold capping can be performed at any location.

Rapunzel logo

The Rapunzel Project’s website notes that the concept of "freezing the head" has been around since the 1970's. Technology and practice have finally evolved to a point where there are tangible benefits for solid tumor patients. All eligible patients should know there is an option that could allow them to save most of their hair during chemotherapy.

Recently, Johanna Belsuzarri, the founder of Alopecia Angel (IG: @alopecia_angel) heard about The Rapunzel Project and sat down with one of the founders to recount their origin story, beginning with a cancer diagnosis of their own:

The Alopecia Angel Podcast "Awaken to Hair Growth" What was once a fantasy – that patients could keep their hair during chemotherapy – is now a reality. This was the inspiration for the creation and naming of The Rapunzel Project. The Rapunzel Project is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping chemotherapy patients keep their hair during treatment. In today's episode, we will be joined by the co-founder of The Rapunzel Project, Nancy Marshall who is a breast cancer survivor and her experiences with cancer inspired her to help make the journey easier for future patients.

Rapunzel blog

Click here to listen to this very informative session on “How to Keep Your Hair When Going Through Cancer Treatment” on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify, and share this information with friends or family members who may have recently been diagnosed but have not started treatment yet.

To learn more about The Rapunzel Project and Cold Cap Therapy, please visit

The Projet Rapunzel

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